Cherry Pie Cookies - Photo by JayDi Photography
We all know I love to bake and try new things. So when my French team at work hosted a potluck to celebrate Jean-Baptiste Day this past June, I knew right away what i wanted to bring. These cookie cups are the perfect potluck food! While the cherry pie is a classic dessert, this portable version will be sure to wow your friends and family!

I'll admit there are a lot of steps, but none of them are complicated and I was quite impressed at how easily it came together. Honestly, the most tedious task was filling the cooled cookie cups with cherries. Don't be dismayed by that comment! I only say tedious because the filling of the cups part of the recipe has a potential to be messy and sticky with the cherry gel dripping or cherries rolling off your fork. With just a bit of focus I managed to get it all done and having to wipe the rims of just a few cups.

After filling results - Photo by
JayDi Photography
You can chose to leave these little ruby jewels naked and they'll be great or you can dress them up with a drizzle of white chocolate to add a little flair!

All dressed up - Photo by
JayDi Photography


10 min
15 min
Total Time: 25 min


1 cup sugar
1/2 cup softened butter
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1/3 cup sour cream
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
2 cups flour
1 can cherry pie filling
white chocolate, for drizzling on top


Step 3: Scoop dough -
Photo by JayDi Photography
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a mini muffin tin with cooking spray. 
  2. With a hand mixer, cream together sugar and butter. Add egg and vanilla. In separate bowl, combine sour cream, salt and soda. Add flour and sour cream to butter mixture, beat until smooth. 
  3. Scoop dough out using a 2 TBSP cookie scoop and put one in each mini muffin cup. No need to roll the dough to make it smooth- it will all bake the same. 
  4. Bake cookies for 15-18 minutes, making sure they're not getting too brown at the end. 
  5. Right after you take them out, use a small measuring spoon to push into the middle of each cookie cup, creating a space for the cherries to go. You don't want to push through the cookie completely- but make sure you create a big enough space. 
Making an indentation - 
Photo by JayDi Photography
    Making an indentation - 
    Photo by JayDi Photography

    6. Let cool in the pan for 10-15 minutes, then gently run a thin knife along the sides to pop them out. If you greased the pan well, you shouldn't have any problems here! 
    Step 6: Pop them out -
    Photo by JayDi Photography
     7. Open the can of cherry pie filling and transfer to a bowl. Use a fork to fill each cookie cup with cherries. I found my cups generally took 2-4 cherries each. I liked using a fork because I was able to tap away some of the cherry gel and just get the cherries.                               
    8.  Drizzle tops with melted white chocolate, if desired. Enjoy!
    Collage of my efforts - Photo
    by JayDi Photography


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