Grandma's Magic Breadbox: Special K Squares

Special K Squares -- Photo by JayDi Photography
Sweet treats that don't require me to turn my oven on in sweltering heat? You can bet that I'll take advantage of that in a heartbeat. This is almost like a homemade candy bar. Chocolate, peanut butter, ooey gooey sticky goodness. Sign me up! Grandma sure knew how to treat her sweet tooth and now you can too!

Grandma's Magic Breadbox: Special K Squares


1/2 cup white sugar
1 cup corn syrup
1 cup peanut butter
4 cups Special K cereal
1 cup butterscotch chippits
1/2 cup chocolate chips


Grease an 8x8 pan.
In a medium saucepan, bring to a boil the sugar, corn syrup and peanut butter.
Quickly stir in the 4 cups of Special K cereal.
Press the mixture into the greased pan.
Melt both the butterscotch & chocolate chips until smooth.  Pour over the square and let cool until the chocolate topping is hard. 

**I store mine in the fridge in hot weather.  Before cutting, I either take it out and let it warm up a bit or warm my knife so it slices through easily.



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