Turkey Taquitos

Turkey Taquitos - Photo by JayDi Photography

This is sounds and looks labour intensive, but it really isn't.  We felt like adding a little mexican flavour to our menu last week but I was out of tortillas and without a vehicle, a quick jaunt to the market to pick up what I'm missing, well, doesn't happen.  I had eggroll wrappers in the fridge. I thought to myself that they might just work in a pinch. And it didn't let me down!  I make my own taco seasoning mix and store it in an airtight container.  This way I can control the heat, and more importantly, the salt.  Another great thing about this recipe is that you can opt to fry them or bake them.  The filling is already cooked, so you really just want the outer shell to crisp up and blister.


Turkey Taquitos

1lb ground turkey (ground chicken, pork or beef would also work here)
3 tbps homemade taco seasoning (see recipe below)
1 cup water
1/4 cup Salsa
1/2 cup shredded cheese
1 pkg eggroll wrappers
cornstarch slurry (1 tsp cornstarch with a bit of water)
Oil for frying

1. Brown meat with taco seasoning and water.  Cook until all water is gone and meat is browned. Drain fat.
2. Add salsa and cheese. Stir to combine.
3. With the cornstarch slurry, wet your finger and apply to each side of the eggroll wrapper.
4. Place 1 heaping teaspoon of the meat mixture on one end of the wrapper, fold in on each side and roll up, ensuring ends are tucked in.
5. Seal the edge with more slurry
6. Fry in hot oil for a few minutes until shell blisters to a golden brown.

Homemade Taco Seasoning

 (About three tablespoons of this mix is equal to one of those packets from the store. )

1/4 cup chili powder
1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 tablespoon sea salt
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
2 teaspoons garlic powder
2 teaspoons onion powder
2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon dried oregano

***Mix all ingredients and store in airtight container


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